Det arkeologiske rommet — Et samtidskunstprosjekt om hvordan kulturarv blir til av Nina Torp

[fade]A1 — Kvastad

A short-term Early Mesolithic site with traces of re-tooling[/fade]

A1 lokalitet Nina Torp.jpg
A1 felttegning fra E18 prosjektet utsnitt.jpg

[fade]↑ Field drawing of site A1.
E18 Tvedestrand- Arendal project, 2015[/fade]


Kvastad A1 was located on a large easterly promontory, overlooking what was a sheltered, shallow inlet in the last part of the Early Mesolithic. The excavation proved the finds to be concentrated in two distinct, small areas c. 25 metres apart; one northerly and one southerly, designated Kvastad A1 north and Kvastad A1 south, respectively.

The cluster at Kvastad A1 north measured 5 x 5 metres. The excavation in this area yielded 926 lithic finds, of which 93 % are flints, almost all of which are burnt. The assemblage includes debitage from a chisel or axe production or reduction, as well as lanceolate microliths, Høgnipen-, and tanged points, and three microburins. There were no traces of earthdug features.

The concentration of finds at Kvastad A1 south was located in a slope and measured 7 x 7 meters. 1183 lithic finds were collected, of which 99 % are flints, virtually all of which are burnt. This cluster, too, included flake chisel or axe production waste, lanceolate microliths, Høgnipen-, and single-edged points, as well as a single microburin. In addition, a complete, but heavily burnt flint flake chisel was found. All of the finds were centred on a fireplace containing 100 litres of fire-cracked rocks, but very few finds.

Typologically the finds from both parts of the site point to a late Early Mesolithic date. The local shoreline displacement curve supports this, as does the date-result obtained from a test pit dug during the county council’s survey. The site is interpreted as a re-tooling site and is probably to be seen in relation to other contemporaneous sites in the vicinity.

(Source: G. Reitan &  J.-S. F. Stokke (in print): Kvastad A1 – A short-term Early Mesolithic site with traces of re-tooling. In: G. Reitan & L. Sundström (ed.): The Stone Age of Aust-Agder county, South Norway. Archaeological excavations in connection with the new E18 Tvedestrand-Arendal. Oslo, Cappelen Damm.)


A1 modell i tre deler Nina Torp.jpg

[fade]↑ Model of excavated area of site A1 divided into three layers[/fade] 

A1 skulptur i papiermache Nina  Torp.jpg

[fade]↑ Sculpture of excavated area of site A1 in papier-mâché

29x29x5 cm[/fade]

A1 skulptur i papp Nina Torp.jpg

[fade]↑ Model of excavated area of site A1 in cardboard

29x29x5 cm[/fade]


A1  A2  A9  B2  B4 and B6